NodeCasts: Free Node.js Screencasts
Episode 1: Introduction to Node.js
Aug 1, 2012 - 6:40 - 12 comments

What is Node.js and why might you want to use it?

Show Notes
Node.js version used in this episode: v0.8.4 [ DownloadsDocumentation ]

Node.js is a software platform for writing fast and scalable network applications. It is event driven and uses non-blocking I/O. Due to it's use of non-blocking I/O, it can handle many requests with a single process.

Ruby example code used in the episode:

contents ='myfile.txt')
puts contents

JavaScript example code used in the episode:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('myfile.txt', 'utf8', function(error, data) {

console.log("That's the contents of the file.")
Jeff Jones, 13 years ago:
Fascinating, enjoyed the waiter analogy!
rmyock, 13 years ago:
Excellent intro to Node.js. Looking forward to the next one.
Alex Bezuska, 13 years ago:
Thank you so much for starting this series, I am a visual learner and want to get started with Node.js, and eventually create some simple database driven apps with CouchDB. I also really liked the waiter analogy, I didn't understand asynchronous until I heard it, and now I get it! Thanks.
Benjamin Tan Wei Hao, 13 years ago:
Great waiter analogy. Looking forward to the rest in the series.
Rafael Izidoro, 12 years ago:
Great dude!
Bob Kepford, 12 years ago:
Excellent explanation.
mksuthar, 12 years ago:
Sam Joseph, 12 years ago:
any chance of variable speed in the video player? e.g. x2?
Sam Joseph, 12 years ago:
ah I guess I can download the mp4 and speed up in quicktime - thanks for the great resource
Dan Murphy, 10 years ago:
Awesome, thank you!
mohammad baniasad, 10 years ago:
this was nice.
way to go you should put a lot of this stuff
internet needs you
emdimacali, 9 years ago:
The waiter analogy was awesome. It really explains how the term "asynchronous" works.
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