NodeCasts: Free Node.js Screencasts
Episode 4: Packages and npm
Aug 20, 2012 - 8:53 - 7 comments

Packages allow programmers to share their modules with the world. Find out how to use npm to install packages and manage package dependencies for an application.

Show Notes
Node.js version used in this episode: v0.8.5 [ DownloadsDocumentation ]


Common npm Commands

  • npm init - create a package.json file interactively
  • npm install <package> - install a package into node_modules
  • npm install <package> --save - install a package and save a dependency in package.json
  • npm update <package> - update a package to the latest version allowed by the version specification in package.json
  • npm outdated - show packages that have versions newer than the one installed that are allowed by the version specification in package.json
  • npm ls - see all packages your package depends on
Sean Dick, 13 years ago:
Nice! I was unaware of npm shrinkwrap.
Alex Bezuska, 13 years ago:
You have succeeded if even a js noob like me understands all of this so far. Great job. Can't wait for the next episode!
selevanm, 13 years ago:
Precise, to the point, very well done.
Martin Jarvis, 13 years ago:
Great job, well done. I will be watching every week from now on.
Prem Pillai, 12 years ago:
Great job again!
Simon, 12 years ago:
This is really great, Love your 5 screencasts and I hope you´ll get the time to make some more!

There is alot of change in the node community/code and as a noob in node it is really helpful with updated tutorials like this one!
Vidal Graupera, 12 years ago:
Very nicely done. Please do more screencasts
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